Thursday 30 May 2013

The Tears Are Gone

All my life, if you had asked someone to describe me, I am pretty certain the frequency with which I cry would have been mentioned. It was an unusual day if I didn't cry. That is until a year ago.

Ah great, you may think! My life must have got better! Except it hasn't, it really hasn't. I don't really understand to be honest. The tears just fizzled out.

In 2011, I was desperately depressed and this involved many tears. Things started to look up for a few weeks after I started taking antidepressants again, early in 2012. But alas, not for long. I cried and cried and cried one night. It was uncontrollable. Everything was dire. How could I go on?

Eventually, the crying stopped and I got to sleep. I think that was the moment. The moment when my depression became tearless. It was no less painful but the tear ducts must have decided they couldn't go on. My brain had dried up, so why not my eyes too?


It's all gone wrong
It's all too much
The pain is here
It's eating me up
Without a smile
Life goes on
But who knows where
The tears have gone.

Things are dull
Things are grey
Oh how I wish
They'd go away
But oh no
They carry on
The tears have gone.

I struggle away
I groan and sigh
My minds too full
I want to cry
But on we go
On and on
No crying as
The tears have gone.

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